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Berichte und Feedback in den Medien und im Internet

H-Net: Humanities & Social Sciences Online (Michigan State University Department of History): Resource, "Beijing Spring" website on the 1978-1981 Chinese Democracy Movement, Discussion published by Chris Berry on Sunday, May 8, 2016

Carnets du Centre Chine (CNRS/EHESS), Centre d'études sur la Chine moderne et contemporaine, EHESS, Paris, France: Die chinesische Demokratiebewegung 1978 bis 1981= « Beijing Spring »: Memories of the Chinese Democracy Movement 1978-1981, par Monique Abud, publication 18 août 2016, mis à jour 18 août 2016: Website of the research project ..., directed by Helmut Opletal, with the support of the Institute of East Asian Studies / Department of Sinology of the University of Vienna, and the Hochschuljubiläumsstiftung (research foundation) of the City of Vienna.

The MCLC Resource Center Managed and operated by Kirk Denton (Ohio State University), May 9, 2016: Beijing Spring website on the 1978-1981 Chinese Democracy Movement.

"Beijing Spring" (e-journal, Flushing, New York, USA), April 2016 /《北京之春》(美国纽约电子刊物)2016年4月: 《北京之春》— 回顾1978-1981年的中国民主运动

"Asia Pacific Memo", published by the Institute of Asian Research (IAR) at The University of British Columbia, "Democracy Wall, Foreign Correspondents, and Deng Xiaoping" by Andrew Chubb, November 9, 2016: Documents and photographs of the Democracy Wall movement, curated by Helmut Opletal at the University of Vienna.

prchistory.org (The PRC History Group, a network of scholars with interests in the history of the People’s Republic of China): “Beijing Spring” – Memories of the Chinese Democracy Movement 1978-1981, photos of the Democracy Movement, documents related to the Democracy Movement, other sources and literature (includes interviews), courtesy of Dr. Helmut Opletal, University of Vienna

yibaochina.com 【公民议报623期】作者名: 奧地利學者欧普雷博士文章标题: 《北京之春》的人物回顾1978-1981年的中国民主运动 (4/18/2016 )

"Wuliucun Express", 23.10.2016 / 《五柳村快递》 2016年10月23日: 夏白鸽推介维也纳大学网站 (Xia Baige recommends website from Vienna University)

difangwenge.org (2016) 地方文革交流网: 欧普雷访谈印红标:78-81年的民主墙运动 (Helmut Opletal interviews Yin Hongbiao)

135 Editor online (135 编辑器), 24.6.2014:  潜沉时空的深层与泅渡精神的汪洋 ——虚擬的北京大学演讲(三) 黄翔 (Blog by Huang Xiang)

eNewsTree.com (消息树), 4.4.2016: 徐文立:写在《四五论坛》打印版全球发行之际 (Blog by Xu Wenli)





Die chinesische Demokratiebewegung 1978-1981 – Erinnerungen der damaligen Akteure

Institut für Ostasienwissenschaften - Sinologie
Universität Wien
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1090 Wien, Österreich

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