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Personal memories, interviews with former activists and observers

Bei Dao fangtan ji: "Jintian" de gushi 北岛访谈集:《今天》的故事 (Talk with Bei Dao: The story of "Jintian"), Nanfang Dushi Bao 南方都市报 (Guangzhou), no date (April 2008), quoted from: http://www.poemlife.com/libshow-1985.htm (Hunan) and http://blog.renren.com/share/220454925/12575884466 (Beijing), both retrieved 4.2.2014

Bei Dao 北岛, Li Tuo 李陀: Qishi niandai 七十年代 (The seventies). Oxford University Press. Hong Kong 2008

Bei Dao 北岛, Li Tuo 李陀: Qishi niandai 七十年代 (The seventies). Sanlian Shudian 三联书店. Peking 2008 [The same book in a mainland Chinese edition, with references and photos critical of the regime missing]

Chen Ziming 陈子明: Wen ji 4. Minzhu Yundong zai Zhongguo 文集4。民主运动在中国 (Collected writings 4. The Democracy Movement in China). Shijie Huawen Chuban Jigou 世界华文出版机构. Hong Kong 2010

Chen Ziming 陈子明: Xianzheng de mengya. 1980 nian jingxuan yundong 宪政的萌芽。1980年竞选运动 (Emerging constitutionalism. The election campaign of 1980). 2 volumes. Zhenxiang Chubanshe 真相出版社. Hong Kong 2013

Cheng Du 程度: Zhongguo zhengzhi xianzai que jietou zhengzhi zhe wie yao - Wang Juntao zhuanfang 中国政治现在缺街头政治这味药 —— 王军涛专访 (Chinese politics currently lacks the cure of street politics - an interview with Wang Juntao, In: Neimu 内幕 (Internal News), 29.02.2014 (from the website 中国茉莉花革命/Jasmine Revolution in China, retrieved 01.11.2017)

Chubb, Andrew, Xu Wenli [徐文立]: How Chinese dissidents and the Communist Party use the Western media. Xu Wenli and Chinese activists' relations with Western journalists (interview). In: Danwei. Chinese media, advertising, and urban life. Posted on November 29, 2010 (retrieved 26.10.2017)

Cha Jianying 查建英: Bashi niandai fangtan lu 八十年代访谈录 (Talking with people on the eighties). Sanlian Shudian 三联书店. Peking 2006

Ding Dong 丁東, Xing Xiaoqun 邢小群 (Eds.): Bashi niandai Zhongguo zhenggai yaozhe neimu - qinlizhe koushu shilu 八十年代中國政改夭折內幕 -- 親歷者口述實錄 (How China's political reforms of the 80s came to an early end - Recordings of eye-witness accounts). Dashan Wenhua Chubanshe 大山文化出版社/Great Mountain Culture. Hong Kong 2015 [The interviews were mainly made from 2008-2009.]

Gong, Sasha [Gong Xiaoxia 龚小夏]: Born American. A Chinese Woman's Dream of Liberty. Nimble Books LLC. Ann Arbor, MI 2009

Guo Luoji 郭罗基: Yi chang weida er duanzan de sixiang jiefang yundong (qi) - jinian zhenli biaozhun taolun sanshi zhounian 场伟大而短暂的思想解放运动(七) -- 纪念真理标准讨论三十周年 (A great, but short-lived movement to liberate thinking (7) - commemorating 30 years of debating the criterion of truth). In: Minzhuzhongguo.org 民主中国 (USA), 1.8.2009, retrieved 8.11.2017

He Qiu 何求: Guangzhou minkan "Renmin zhi Lu" zhubian He Qiu zishu 广州民刊《人民之路》主编何求自述 (Memories of He Qiu, chief editor of the independent Guangzhou journal "The Path of the People"). In: Observer/Guanchajia 观察家, nr. 36, Hong Kong, October 1980, pp. 12-14

Hu Jiwei 胡绩伟: Hu Yaobang yu Xidan Minzhuqiang 胡耀邦与西单民主墙 (Hu Yaobang and the Xidan Democracy Wall). In: Boxun.com (USA), 22.4.2004, retrieved 4.2.2014. Translation into English by Andrew Chubb: Hu Yaobang and the Xidan Democracy Wall. In: Danwei Chinese media, advertising, and urban life. Posted on February 9, 2011 (retrieved 26.10.2017)

Hu Ping 胡平: Jinian Minzhuqiang ershi zhounian 纪年民主墙二十周年 (Twentieth anniversary of the Democracy Wall). In: Beijing zhi Chun 北京之春/Beijing Spring (USA), 14.12.2003, retrieved 4.2.2014

Hu Ping 胡平: 80 nian Beijing gaoxiao jingxuan huodong jianjie 80年北京高校竞选活动简介 (The 1980 elections at the colleges and universities of Beijing). From: Radio Free Asia, Mandarin Service 自由亚洲电台普通话, Washington DC, Sept. 10, 2006, retrieved 01.11.2017

Huang Xiang [黄翔]: Poet on Fire inside Communist China. Translated by Li Zavidny with William Rock. Century Mountain, (USA) 2011

Lei Yi 雷颐: Jingshen de nianlun 精神的年轮 (Growth rings of the mind). Fudan Daxue Chubanshe 复旦大学出版社/Fudanpress. Shanghai 2011

Li Baowen 李宝雯: Renwu zhuanfang. Chenji nianduo nian Zhongguo zishen weiquan nüjiang Fu Yuehua 人物专访﹕沉寂廿多年的中国资深维权女将傅月华 (Exclusive interview: Fu Yuehua, China‘s senior female campaigner for human rights after 20 years of silence), Radio Free Asia (Washington D.C.), 22.02.2006; text in Mandarin, audio (9:53) in Mandarin and Cantonese; retrieved 4.2.2014

Li Honglin 李洪林: Wode "lilun gongzuozhe" jingli 我的“理论工作者“经历 (My experiences as a "theoretical worker"). In: aisixiang.com 爱思想 (Beijing), 14.12.2008, retrieved 8.11.2017

Li Honglin 李洪林: Wo jingli de Zhonggong lilun fengyun 我经历的理论风云 (Die Turbulenzen im Bereich der Theorie, wie ich sie erlebt habe). In: Ding Dong 丁東, Xing Xiaoqun 邢小群 (Eds.): Bashi niandai Zhongguo zhenggai yaozhe neimu - qinlizhe koushu shilu 八十年代中國政改夭折內幕 -- 親歷者口述實錄 (How China's political reforms of the 80s came to an early end - Recordings of eye-witness accounts). Dashan Wenhua Chubanshe 大山文化出版社/Great Mountain Culture. Hong Kong 2015 (pp. 61-80)

Li Yizhe 李一哲 – The Quest for Democracy/Li Yizhe shijian. Wenge zhong yichang cong xia er shang de minzhu yu fazhi de suqiu 李一哲事件。文革中一场从下而上的民主与法制的诉求 (The case of Li Yizhe. A grass-root demand for democracy and legality during the Cultural revolution). Zhongguo Jiaodian Chubanshe 中国焦点出版社, Hong Kong 2010  

Liu Qing 刘青: Chen Erjin - Minzhuqiang qian de nan fei yan 陈尔晋 -- 民主墙前的南飞燕 (Chen Erjin - A swallow flying south before of Democracy Wall).In: Beijing zhi Chun 北京之春/Beijing Spring (USA), September 1995 (online Spring 2003), retrieved 28.10.2017  

Liu Qing 刘青:  Huiyi Minzhuqiang Lianxi Huiyi. Lianxi Huiyi: Minzhuqiang kangzheng de da qi (zhi er). Wu, Jiuyuan Fu Yuehua yu lianxi caifangtuan 回忆民主墙联席会议。联席会议: 民主墙抗争的大旗(之二)。五、救援付月华与联系采访团 (5. Rescuing Fu Yuehua and the joint interview group). In: Beijing zhi Chun 北京之春/Beijing Spring (USA), January 1995 (online Spring 2003), retrieved 28.10.2017

Liu Qing 刘青: Lianxi Huiyi: Minzhuqiang kangzheng de da qi (zhi san). Qi, Tang Xin yu Lianxi Huiyi 联席会议: 民主墙抗争的大旗(之三)。七、唐欣与联席会议 (The Joint Conference: banner of the Democracy Wall resistance (no. 3). 7. Tang Xin and the Joint Conference. In: Beijing zhi Chun 北京之春/Beijing Spring (USA), February 1995 (online Spring 2003), retrieved 28.10.2017

Liu Qing 刘青: Lianxi Huiyi: Minzhuqiang kangzheng de da qi (zhi si). Ba, daibiaoquan, zhua tewu ji qita 八、代表权、抓特务及其他 (The Joint Conference: banner of the Democracy Wall resistance (no. 4). 8. Delegates' rights, catching a spy and other matters. In: Beijing zhi Chun 北京之春/Beijing Spring (USA), February 1995 (online Spring 2003), retrieved 28.10.2017

Liu Qing 刘青, Wang Juntao 王军涛, Wang Yu 王渝 (interviewer): Minzhuqiang huiyi 民主墙回忆 (Memories of the Democracy Wall). In: Beijing zhi Chun 北京之春/Beijing Spring (USA), 2.9.2003, retrieved 4.2.2014

Mou Chuanheng 牟传珩: Minzhuqiang shiji de huiyi lu 民主墙时期回忆录 (Looking back at the time oft he Democracy Wall). In: Boxun.com (USA), no date, retrieved 4.2.2014  

Mou Chuanheng 牟传珩: Minzhuqiang shiqi Shandong Minzhu Yundong jianji 民主墙时期山东民主运动简记 (Abstract of the Democracy Movement in Shandong at the time of the Democracy Wall), 10.8.1998, Qingdao, from difangwenge.org (USA), 07.12.2009 (retrieved 4.2.2014)

Opletal, Helmut: Entretien avec Xu Wenli, rédacteur en chef de Tribune du 5 avril (Interview with Xu Weli, editor-in-chief of the 5th April Tribune). In: Paris-Pékin, No. 1, Paris 1979, pp. 18-21  

Ou Pulei 欧普雷 [Helmut Opletal]: Fangwen Beijing minban kanwu “Si Wu Luntan“ fuzeren Xu Wenli 访问四五论坛负责人徐文立 (Interview with Xu Wenli, responsible person of the private journal “April 5th Forum”). In: Observer/Guanchajia 观察家, nr. 22, Hong Kong, August 1979, pp. 4-10

Tang Xiaodu 唐晓渡: Mang Ke fangtan lu: Shi guo jing qian hua "Jintian" 芒克访谈录:时过境迁话《今天》(Conversation with Mang Ke: Things have changed speaking on "Today"). In: Poetry Institute of China / Zhongguo Shige Xiehui 中国诗歌协会, 26.5.2014 (retrieved 26.11.2017)

Tang Xin 唐欣: Xidan Minzhuqiang he Zhongyang Zhengzhi Tizhi Gaige Yanjiushi de huiyi 西単民主牆和中央政治体制改革研究室的回憶 (Memories of the Xidan Democracy Wall and the Research Department of the Central Committee for Reforms of the Political System). In: Ding Dong 丁東, Xing Xiaoqun 邢小群 (Eds.): Bashi niandai  Zhongguo zhenggai yaozhe neimu - qinlizhe koushu shilu 八十年代中國政改夭折內幕 -- 親歷者口述實錄 (How China's political reforms of the 80s came to an early end - recordings of eye-witness accounts). Dashan Wenhua Chubanshe 大山文化出版社/Great Mountain Culture. Hong Kong 2015 [interviews from 2008-2009]

Wang Fei 王菲 (ed.): „Cong ziyou chufa“ di qi bufen. Yu Min Yun renshi duitan lu. Wang Juntao, Hu Ping duitan  从自由出发第七部分。与民运人士对谈录。王军涛,胡平对谈 ("Starting from Liberty", part 7. Debates with celebrities from the Democracy Movement. Dialog between Wang Juntao and Hu Ping). Hu Ping’s blog (USA), 27.4.1994, retrieved 4.2.2014

Wang Juntao 王军涛, Hu Ping 胡平: Kaituo - Bei Da Xue Yun Wen Xian 开拓。北大学运文献 (Preparing the ground – contributing to the students' movement at Peking University). Tianyuan Shuwu 田园书屋. Hong Kong 1990

Wang Ruoshui 王若水: Differing Opinions regarding the 1978-1979 Democracy Wall. From www.wangruoshui.net (USA), retrieved 8.11.2017

Wang Ruoshui 王若水: Guanyu Minzhuqiang de yiduan wangshi 关于民主墙的一段往事 (What happened at the Democracy Wall). 1994. From www.wangruoshui.net (USA), retrieved 4.2.2014

Wang Yong’an 王永安: Wei "Tian'anmen Shijian" benzou de riri yeye – wo tong Hu Jiwei tongzhi de jiechu 为“天安门事件”奔走的日日夜夜 – 我同胡绩伟同志的接触 (Day and night on the run because of the "Tiananmen Incident" – my encounters with comrade Hu Jiwei). Originally from Gongshi Wang 共识网 (Hong Kong), 18.9.2012, (http://www.21ccom.net/articles/lsjd/lsjj/article_2012091867887.html, after its closure accessible from 21CN (Guangzhou), 19.09.2012, retrieved 25.04.2017 

Wang Yong'an 王永安, Zhou Xiuqiang 周修强: Guizhou "Qimengshe" shi mo ji 贵州"启蒙社"始末记 (The story of the "Enlightment Society"). [Internal Report by two journalists of the People's Daily]. Published in: Wangshi 往事 (Jilin Chuban Jituan Monthly/吉林出版集团纪实性综合月刊), nr. 99, originally quoted in: 21ccom.net/Gongshiwang 共识网 (Hong Kong), 20.8.2010, now available from Sina.com (Beijing), retrieved 01.11.2017

Wang Xizhe [王希哲]: China’s Democracy Movement. Interview by Wong Yiu Chung, 26.12.1980; In :New Left Review, London, Nr. 131 (January-February 1983), pp. 62-70 (originally in Chinese in: Qishi Niandai 七十年代/The Seventies, Hong Kong, Nr. 150, July 1982, pp. 34-38)

Wang Xizhe Zichuan: Zou xiang hei’an 王希哲自转: 走向黑暗 (Wang Xizhe’s autobiography: Towards the dark). Minzhu Daxue Editors 民主大学出版/Democratic University Editions. Hong Kong 1996

Wei-Blank, Shan Shan e.a. (Eds.): Wei Jingsheng: Mein Leben für die Demokratie (Wei Jingsheng: My life for democracy). Rowohlt Taschenbuch. Reinbek bei Hamburg 1995  

Wei, Jingsheng 魏京生: Jiashi yilai yanlun ji 假释以来言论集 (Public statements since my liberation). Minzhu Daxue Editors 民主大学出版/Democratic University Editions. Hong Kong 1996

Yan Li 严力: Xingxing Huahui yu wo 星星画会与我 (The Stars' Artists Association and me). In Lion Art 雄狮美术, Taipei, nr. 6, 1986, pp. 162-169

Yu Guangyuan [于光远]: Deng Xiaoping Shakes the World. An Eyewitness Account of China's Party Work Conference and the Third Plenum (November - December 1978). Edited by Ezra F. Vogel and Steven I. Levine. EastBridge, Norwalk CT, 2004 and 2017

Yu Guangyuan 于光远: 1978 nian wo qinli de neici lishi da zhuanbian: Shiyi qie San-Zhong Quanhui de tai qian mu hou 1978 年我亲历的那次历史大转变;十一届三中全会的台前幕後 (The big historical change that I have personally experienced in 1978: In front and behind the scenes of the Third Plenum of the Eleventh Central Committee). 天地图书出版/Cosmos Books. Hong Kong 2008

Zhang Xianyang 张显扬: Lilun Gongzuo Wuxuhui de yuanqi, guocheng he yiyi 理论工作务虚会的缘起、过程和意义 (Origins, process and significance of the Forum on Theoretical Work). In: Ding Dong 丁東, Xing Xiaoqun 邢小群 (Eds.): Bashi niandai Zhongguo zhenggai yaozhe neimu - qinlizhe koushu shilu 八十年代中國政改夭折內幕 -- 親歷者口述實錄 (How China's political reforms of the 80s came to an early end - Recordings of Eye-Witness Accounts). Dashan Wenhua Chubanshe 大山文化出版社/Great Mountain Culture. Hong Kong 2015

Zhang Xianyang 张显扬: "Si xiang jiben yuanzi" de youlai - Lilun Gongzuo Wuxuhui de qianqian houhou “四项基本原则”的由来——理论工作务虚会的前前后后 (Where do the "Four Basic principles" come from - before and after the Forum on Theoretical Work). In: aisixiang.com 爱思想 (Beijing), 5.9.2013, retrieved 8.11.2017 [The version on this Chinese website corresponds basically to the article contained in Ding Dong's and Xing Xiaoqun's book from Hong Kong, with a few changes and ommissions such as some names and criticisms of Deng Xiaoping.]

Zhu Jiaming 朱嘉明: Zhongguo gaige de qilu 中国改革的歧路 (Wrong turns for reforms in China). Lianjing Chuban Gonsi 聯經出版公司. Taipei 2013


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