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Chinese language magazines in Hong Kong (and occasionally the leading daily "Ming Pao") have thoroughly documented the activities of the "Beijing Spring" and avant-garde artists and writers. They often received photos and information from sources that preferred to remain anonymous, but usually these details have proved to be accurate and reliable.

These - often short-lived - publications from Hong Kong (including the journals "The Observer/观察家", "The Seventies/七十年代", "Dongxiang/动向", "Zhengming/争鸣" and "Jingbao/镜报") have therefore made a significant contribution for the preservation of important documents and eye-witness accounts of the Chinese Democracy Movement from 1978-81.

香港《观察家》60期, 1979, 页37-40
香港《镜报》, 1979年号外

夏训键是《群众参考消息》的发行人 (香港《观察家》1979年4期, 页9)

魏京生的大字报《要民主还是要新的独裁》在北京西单民主墙 (香港《争鸣》19期, 1979年5月)

香港《争鸣》25期, 1979年,页24-25

贵州民主墙 (1978/79年)
香港《动向》1979年4期, 页34

Die chinesische Demokratiebewegung 1978-1981 – Erinnerungen der damaligen Akteure

Institut für Ostasienwissenschaften - Sinologie
Universität Wien
Spitalgasse 2, Hof 2
1090 Wien, Österreich

T: +43-1-4277-43840
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